Posts tagged social movement
Daring to sacrifice amidst billowing smoke; Finding courage amongst the swells

“There’s no revolution without blood.” Revolution is the heftiest form of resistance. The bravery and sacrifices of revolutionaries are not only captured through camera lenses during confrontation and bloodshed, but also shown in their unyielding souls.

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Sharon Yam | A Hong Kong academic in the US —“We need to document our own history”

Sharon is a 30-year-old professor at the University of Kentucky, who teaches and researches politics and rhetoric. At a place with few Hongkongers nearby, she finds every possible way to stand with Hong Kong: from getting an umbrella tattoo on her arm, to advocating for the social movement in Hong Kong through teaching and public speaking.

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Napo Wong Wing Chi - "I hope the people of the Western district in this generation can take on the mission and carry the history of the district to future generations."

I am an introvert. I don’t like to stand out, never wanted to be the first to speak and was not very sociable. However, after staying behind the scenes for many years, I feel like I’m at a bottleneck and need to break my own limits. Having witnessed our representatives’ candidacies disqualified, I understand that no one can represent myself.

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