Posts tagged lecturer
【Video】K Kwong | Witnessing the sunset of an era: Desperation fuels persistence

K Kwong, renowned chemistry tutor and lecturer, retired into a quiet life until the anti-extradition movement when he went public and used his scientific knowledge to counter the fallacies propagated through the community. The future of humanity is worrisome—in this chaotic era, are science and knowledge a blessing or curse?

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Sunny Chan | A famous screenwriter - “HKers, let’s remold our sorrow and march onwards with a smile.”

Screenwriter, director, lecturer, writer, host, husband, father, himself. Works include “Men on the Dragon.” Having weathered ups and downs in his career in film and television, he encourages Hong Kongers to march onwards with him.

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【VIDEO】Dr Karen | Pursuing Reality Among Sea of Fallacies

Dr. Karen Mak is a lecturer at a Hong Kong university. She also hosts television shows exploring the intersection between science and gastronomy. As an educator, Dr. Karen interacts daily with some of the anti-extradition movement’s primary supporters - university students. She asserts that she is not disappointed with their actions, but instead appreciates their immense motivation and drive.

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